Ally Invest / Checkings / Savings

You Get: $100
I Get: $100
Requirements: Sign up with referral and complete requirements below
Chex: Yes for Checking/Saving, No for Invest
Expiration: None
My Experience
This is a choose-your-own adventure referral bonus. You can take either the Checking, Savings, or Invest track. I took the Invest track because there was no Chex hit.
I used a referral link to open a Self-Directed Trading account. Sign up was quick and easy. I then transferred $1000 into the account. According to the terms, the bonus is paid out within 30 days, and you have to hold the $1000 in there until the bonus payout. You can invest the money so it may dip below $1000 but the deposits to the account minus the withdrawals from the account should be over $1000. Personally, I received the bonus within around 2 weeks of the $1000 deposit and then took my money out. You can use ACH to send your moeny back to your account for free.
Alternatively, you can sign up for either a Checking or Savings account. Savings requires an automated deposit for 3 months, Checking requires a direct deposit.
You can only do one Ally referral bonus.
It pays to have a financial ally. $100 to be exact. Open a new Ally account to earn money for you and your friend.